Versions JitBit Macro Recorder
5.6.6 - 10/25/2013
- No check for updates when autoplay is in progress
- Fixed delays in EXE files
- Security improvements
- When capturing image from screen - don't move mouse to bottom-right corner, causes windows to hide
- Removed "blink" after finishing an autostarted playback
- Prompt user for the value to store in clipboard
- Playback "X out of Y times" label-text
- Slightly redesigned toolbar (play/record dropdowns), new "Play X times" menu element
- Recent files fix, "clear recent files" menu item
- Bulk-edit coordinates in the selection (shift the whole macro by X or Y) - 8/20/2013
- Fixed the bug with delays in EXE files
5.6.5 - 6/30/2013
- Alt Tab automation now works in Windows 8 as well!
- Installer improvements
5.6.4 - 6/2/2013
- Bugfixes
5.6.3 - 5/8/2013
- Fixed "mouse for lefties" setting
- Show an error when macro path exceeds 256 chars in "play another macro" command
- Loop iteration counter now resets when you jump out of the loop using GOTO command
- New setting - do not restore mouse position after playback
- Possible fix for find image similarity coefficient
- Compiled EXE files now respect global playback speed settings
5.6.0 - 2/11/2013
- More Windows 8 fixes, and ALL antivirus false-positives are finally fixed
- Macro-recording timer precision set to 2 ms (since playback ignores timeouts <2ms anyway)
- Increased playback resolution, performance improved
- Fixed icon for EXE-compiled macros.
- New macro command - "If Pixel Found within rectangle"
- Top-most message-boxes
- New macro command "Run C# code snippet"!
- General fixes
5.5.5 - 12/23/2012
- Fixed occasional crashes when offline
- Reworked serial-number engine. Fixes slow startup in Windows 8
5.5.3 - 12/12/2012
- Fixed toolbars position when Windows Task Bar is on the left
- Repeat random number of times (fixes #85)
- tiny radio button aligment fix
- Fixed occasional crashes when offline
5.5.0 - 10/28/2012
- Correct "play/record" toolbar positioning if windows taskbar is configured to be at the top.
- Macro scheduler
- Updated manual
5.4.10 - 10/21/2012
- Fixes #68 - "open file" command runs twice sometimes
5.4.9 - 10/19/2012
- Larger delay randomizer field (up to 3 hours randomize delay)
- Command line support (/a and /c switches), updated docs
- Minor improvements and fixes
5.4.8 - 10/15/2012
- Fixes #78 (single-instance app reworked, caused problems on Windows 8)
- Fixes #76 (cannot select region under the "Select region" text)
- Correct "are you sure you want to record over existing" message-box suppression
- Fixed relative-coordinates macro replay (SmartREC)
- Possible minor fix for the "showdialog" error
- Fixed the "IF image" bug when testing the command after playing a macro (fixes #80). Fixed incorrect auto-closing the play-bar (when not necessary).
5.4.7 - 9/25/2012
- Fixed - single-instance app errors on some Windows 8 machines
- Fixed - cannot select region under the "Select region" text in image-commands
- Correct "are you sure you want to record over existing" message-box suppression
- Fixed relative-coordinates macro replay (SmartREC)
5.4.6 - 9/5/2012
- Saving window position fixed
- New icon
- New "tools" menu item - "Restart as administrator". Other minor fixes.
- Fixed some typos in the UI
5.4.5 - 7/23/2012
- Playback settings - repeat number fixed
- Resizable startup screen - to see recently recorded macros with long paths
- "Exit loop" command fixes, now it properly resets the loop-counter so "if iteration" commands work correctly
- MOD check for the "IF Current iteration equals" command
- If "hide macro-player" setting is ON, the player is still shown when you pause macro playback, for convenience
- Option to remove the macro-recording confirmation that prompts to save changes
5.4.3 - 5/24/2012
- Minor bugfixes
- Improved against A/V false positive alerts
- "Pause playback on mouse move" - lower sensitivity
window does not take focus after playback is finished if the setting "hide playback window" is ON
5.4.2 - 3/29/2012
- New command - move/resize window
- Minor UI improvements in command-editing forms
5.4.1 - 3/20/2012
- File-copy command improvements and fixes
- Image-finder commands now have "similarity" coefficient
5.4.0 - 3/7/2012
- Fix: crash when aborting macro played via HotkeyLauncher
- Empty-clipboard fix
- Settings-dialog UI fixes, new option "play/rec toolbars on the right side"
- Fix: "wait for process" command-editor bug
- Signing the macro-launcher executable to prevent AV false-positive.
- Fixed the double-clicking bug on the macro-recording toolbar
- Option to "randomize" mouse position
- "If File Exists" command now understands wildcard patterns, not just exact file names
- Typos corrected in the UI and user-manual
- Allowing tilde, dot and other "special" symbols for hotkey assignments
5.3.13 - 1/6/2012
- Clipboard commands fix
- fix - IF IMAGE command now has an option to move mouse to the image
- Fixes the "prompt for number of repeats" crash.
- Fixed error loading some scripts
- "Wait for user" fixed (thread safe hotkeys)
- Repeat-counter improvements
- fix - correct IF IMAGE command saving
- Fix - messagebox-commands on top
- fix - main form still shown when launching macros from command line)
- fix - crash when aborting macro played via HotkeyLauncher
5.3.10 - 12/23/2011
- Async macros-replay playback thread, smooth progress-bar updating while playing
- Restored playback counter on the toolbar
5.3.9 - 12/5/2011
- "Capture current position" hotkey for the mouse-command editor
- "EXIT-loop" command fix
- Recent files list order fix
- Performance improvements, UI tweaks - 11/2/2011
- Progress-bar when playing macro
- Aborting EXE-macros fixed
- Wait for window command fixed
- "Find image" command improved A LOT
5.3.8 - 10/1/2011
- "Paste from clipboard" command
- Color-picker in pixel-commands
- Selecting a rectangle for "find pixel" command
- Memory leaks fixes
- "Select commands by type" feature
- Correctly opens macros from VERY old versions (3.xx etc)
- User-interface improvements
5.3.4 - 9/18/2011
- Fixed pixel-command performance
- New feature - setting mouse coordinates "relative to current mouse position" and recording mouse offsets instead of actual coordinates
- Improved manual
- Mouse macro editor improved, "click" & ""right-click artificial commands
- UI improvements (buttons enable/disable), new feature (recording appends to a macro)
- Fixed "play the whole macro then record" feature
- Improved updater
- New macro command - 'If pixel NOT equals'
- Custom prompt-message for a number of repeats in the repeat command
- "Exit loop" command fixes
- Preventing the "same label name" warning when playing nested macros - 8/25/2011
- Faster macro-playing performance
- Smaller download size
- Fixed saving Macro Recorder's main window position
5.3.0 - 8/18/2011
- Lots of minor improvements
- New improved interface (design, icons)
- Performance improvements, less files and libraries required, etc
Macro Recorder 5.3.10 - Released 12/23/2011
- Async macros-replay playback thread, smooth progress-bar updating while playing
- Restored playback counter on the toolbar
Macro Recorder 5.3.9 - Released 12/5/2011
- "Capture current position" hotkey for the mouse-command editor
- "EXIT-loop" command fix
- Recent files list order fix
- Performance improvements, UI tweaks
Macro Recorder - Released 11/2/2011
- Progress-bar when playing macro
- Aborting EXE-macros fixed
- Wait for window command fixed
- "Find image" command improved A LOT
Macro Recorder 5.3.8 - Released 10/1/2011
- "Paste from clipboard" command
- Color-picker in pixel-commands
- Selecting a rectangle for "find pixel" command
- Memory leaks fixes
- "Select commands by type" feature
- Correctly opens macros from VERY old versions (3.xx etc)
- User-interface improvements
Macro Recorder 5.3.4 - Released 9/18/2011
- Fixed pixel-command performance
- New feature - setting mouse coordinates "relative to current mouse position" and recording mouse offsets instead of actual coordinates
- Improved manual
- Mouse macro editor improved, "click" & ""right-click artificial commands
- UI improvements (buttons enable/disable), new feature (recording appends to a macro)
- Fixed "play the whole macro then record" feature
- Improved updater
- New macro command - 'If pixel NOT equals'
- Custom prompt-message for a number of repeats in the repeat command
- "Exit loop" command fixes
- Preventing the "same label name" warning when playing nested macros
Macro Recorder - Released 8/25/2011
- Faster macro-playing performance
- Smaller download size
- Fixed saving
Macro Recorder's main window position
Macro Recorder 5.3.0 - Released 8/18/2011
- Lots of minor improvements
- New improved interface (design, icons)
- Performance improvements, less files and libraries required, etc
Macro Recorder - Released 7/10/2011
- Improved drag-n-drop operations in the macro-commands list
- The welcome-screen can now be re-enabled in "settings" dialog
- Image-commands improvements
Macro Recorder - Released 7/8/2011
- Type text compiling to EXE - fixed
- Improved "IF Clipboard" command - now it does not trim the entered text, so you can match spaces and carriage-returns
Macro Recorder - Released 6/30/2011
- Mouse wheel recording fixes
- Find pixel improvements
- New command - "IF IMAGE found"
- Hotkey validation added to the settings-dialog
- New type of keyboard command - "KeyPress" (along with KeyUp and KeyDown)
Macro Recorder 5.2.0 - Released 6/24/2011
- New awesome command - "Find image on the screen"
- "Run as administrator" option for the "open file" command
- UI improvements
- Fixed "find pixel" crashes on some machines
- Lets of minor improvements throughout the program
Macro Recorder - Released 5/26/2011
- More compatibility improvements for the Keyboard simulator (Remote Desktop, Citrix etc)
Macro Recorder - Released 5/22/2011
- Fixed saving/loading "Wait For Process" macro command
- Added "timeout" setting to the "Wait for user" command
- Fixed the "randomize delay" feature
- "Repeat X times" can now take th number of repeats from clipboard
Macro Recorder - Released 5/18/2011
- Fixed randomizing delay
- Minor UI-improvements
Macro Recorder - Released 5/10/2011
- Regexs in comparison commands are case-insensitive now
- New feature - Pause macro recording
- Some Macro Launcher fixes
Macro Recorder 5.1.2 - Released 5/4/2011
- Resolved the "sending keystrokes to Remote Desktop" issue
- Added new command "type environment variable"
- Some minor fixes
Macro Recorder - Released 4/23/2011
- Citrix improvements
- UI-improvements ("settings" dialog)
- No unneeded warnings "failed to register hotkey"
- Clipboard improvements
- Enabling/disabling hotkeys in Macro Launcher
- New command: Increment clipboard
- New command: IF Windows in focus
- Preventing "sticky-key" issue
Macro Recorder 5.1.1 - Released 4/14/2011
- "Nice" error message when playing a macro with more than one label with the same name
- Resolves antivirus false-positives
Macro Recorder 5.1.0 - Released 4/9/2011
- Citrix-compatible keyboard automation - sends keystrokes recognized by the terminal
- Macro file-association fix
- Comment-command saving fixed
- "Test the IF-statement" button for all "IF" commands in a macro
- Allows negative mouse-coordinates (for mouse-recording on multiple monitors)
- Hotkey-macro-launcher "start-minimized" fixes
- Performance and memory improvements
- Lots of minor bug-fixes and improvements in the
Macro Recorder engine
Macro Recorder 5.0.3 - Released 3/9/2011
- Playback settings are now compiled to the EXE file
- Type-text command improvements
- "If iteration equals" command fixes, "Set clipboard" command fixes
- EXE-compiler improvements
- Playback-record keyboard shortcuts now allow single-key hotkeys
- Clipboard fixes
- Hotkey launcher fixed (was not starting macros when minimized)
- Delay command editor improvements
- "Settings" form improvements
- "Goto" command fixes
- Performance improvements - copy-paste speed, import macro speed etc etc
- Added a startup form
- Fixed opening macros from command line
- Macro playback can now be aborted while "Wait for user" command is executing
- Delay command fixes
- Lots of minor improvements
Macro Recorder 5.0.2 - Released 2/23/2011
- All-new engine
- Auto-updater
- Secure code signature
- Lots of bug-fixes
Macro Recorder 4.71 - Released 11/11/2010
- Minor UI-improvements
- Minor performance improvements
- Fixed: when the recording process was aborted with a key combination, keyboard sometimes stays locked after playback
Macro Recorder 4.70 - Released 10/31/2010
- "Hide playing box" setting fixed
- The default "abort" key is changed from Scroll-Lock to Ctrl+Q
- Correct hotkey display on the "recording" window
- Trial is now 40 days
- The "if pixel color" commandcan now work with relative coordinates
- Minor UI-improvements
Macro Recorder 4.69 - Released 8/19/2010
- Play buttons are disabled if there are no commands in a macro
- Random delay event (the long awaited feature is finally here)
- Exit confirmation now properly prompts for unsaved macro
- Fixed the "failed to register hotkeys" message when hotkeys are set to "None", fixed the play-box text
- Saving an empty file - fixed
- Minor interface improvements
Macro Recorder 4.68 - Released 8/2/2010
- Step-by-step playback
- Option to specify delays in hour:minutes:seconds rather than milliseconds
- The "IF Clipboard" command now has an option "greater than"
- New command "set clipboard value"
- Fixed the Macro Launcher error "Your key is not valid"
Macro Recorder 4.67 - Released 7/18/2010
- Compiled exe-s now also show the blue "playing" box
- Compiled exe-macros now allow pausing and aborting with the same hotkeys
- "Type text" and "type date" commands improved
- Performance improvements
- Improved installer, smaller file size
- Speedy replays are now more accurate
Macro Recorder 4.66 - Released 6/25/2010
- Fixed the occasional "failed registering hotkeys" error after launching a macro via shell-open
Macro Recorder 4.65 - Released 6/19/2010
- Fixed the "Play another macro" command
Macro Recorder 4.64 - Released 6/13/2010
- Compiled exe-s now also show the blue "playing" box
- Compiled exe-macros now allow pausing and aborting with the same hotkeys
- "Type text" and "type date" commands improved
- Performance improvements
- Improved installer, smaller file size
- Speedy replays are now more accurate
Macro Recorder 4.63 - Released 6/4/2010
- Fixed EXE-compiler
- Performance improvements
Macro Recorder 4.62 - Released 5/31/2010
- Improved performance
- New command - "Find Pixel by Color"
- Infinite wait for window
- Infinite wait for process
Macro Recorder 4.61 - Released 4/30/2010
- Improved installer
- New command - Play a saved macro
- Improved performance
Macro Recorder 4.6 - Released 1/23/2010
- Possible antivirus false alarms eliminated
- New command - "wait for ANY user activity"
- Lots of inner improvements, new architecture
- Macro Launcher now also shows the "playback" status window on top
Macro Recorder 4.53 - Released 1/20/2010
- Correct "swapped mouse buttons" processing for left-handed users
Macro Recorder 4.52 - Released 11/28/2009
- Fixed "your key is not valid for this version" error when starting Macro Launcher
- Fixed the "copy-file" command editor
- "Play" button added to Macro Launcher
- General Macro Launcher improvements
Macro Recorder 4.51 - Released 11/20/2009
- Fixed: when Microsoft Security Essentials real-time protection is on,
Macro Recorder started too long
- Performance optimizations
- Correct shortcut displaying on the playback-bar
Macro Recorder 4.5 - Released 11/2/2009
- New command - "Clear Clipboard"
- Commenting your macros (new command type = "comment")
- Fixed displaying the "Copy file" commands in the list
Macro Recorder 4.41 - Released 10/2/2009
- Fixed nested-IF processing in a macro
Macro Recorder 4.4 - Released 8/12/2009
- New commands: If Process Exists and Wait for process to start/stop
- Handy feature to hide the main window, when picking a color for the "IF Pixel Color Equals" command
Macro Recorder 4.34 - Released 7/23/2009
- The "If Window Exists" command now allows working with dialog windows and messageboxes
- New command - "Exit Loop"
Macro Recorder 4.33 - Released 7/13/2009
- Improved "recent files" engine
- Fixed load error on some machines when opening the 1st macro
- Performance improvements
Macro Recorder 4.32 - Released 6/19/2009
- Fixed error "424 object required" when opening macros
Macro Recorder 4.3 - Released 5/20/2009
- Mouse coordinates tracked on mouse-command form
- New command - "If pixel color equals"
- Recent files list
- "If clipboard contains" (along with "equals")
- "If current iteration" works for inner loops now
Macro Recorder 4.24 - Released 4/21/2009
- Precise timing when recording a macro
- "File copy" command added
- Improved interface
- Minor bug fixes
Macro Recorder 4.23 - Released 4/4/2009
- Block input during playback
- Improved performance
- New statement "Clipboard NOT equals"
- Nice exe-file icon
- Configurable "abort playback" hotkey for the macro launcher application
Macro Recorder 4.22 - Released 2/15/2009
- Middle Mouse button recording
- Horizontal Wheel recording
- "Click at current mouse position" mouse command option
- Performance improvements
Macro Recorder 4.2 - Released 12/14/2008
- "Delete file" command
- Wildcards in the "Close window" command
- Returning the mouse to the original position after playback is finished
- Improved launcher UI
Macro Recorder 4.1 - Released 3/20/2008
- Improved "IF current iteration equals" when used inside nested loops
Macro Recorder 4.0 - Released 3/12/2008
- New command "dial a connection"
- Improved repeater-command
- Minor GUI improvements
- Optional pause macro playback, when a user moves a mouse
Macro Recorder 3.86 - Released 2/4/2008
- Fixed recording Shift+Arrow keystrokes under Vista
- Switch to windows command now understands * and ? wildcards
- improved performance
Macro Recorder 3.85 - Released 12/10/2007
Macro Recorder's "WAIT FOR WINDOW" and "IF WINDOWS EXISTS" commands now accept asterisks and question marks as wildcards in window names
- New menu command - "Edit macro in Notepad"
- Improved window positioning
Macro Recorder 3.83 - Released 11/8/2007
- Repeat command option to ask the user, how many times to repeat
- Fixed context-menu positioning on the list of macro commands
- Improved mouse recording engine
Macro Recorder 3.82 - Released 9/17/2007
- Fixed incorrect loading of "WAIT FOR WINDOW" macros
- Mouse macro editor can now get current mouse coordinates (easier editing)
- Crashing when entering an empty serial number
- more minor improvements
Macro Recorder 3.8 - Released 8/13/2007
- Redesigned timing architecture
- Save window position
- Correct GOTO-statement processing in exe-compiler
- Fixed settings-dialog
Macro Recorder 3.74 - Released 8/10/2007
- "ELSE" statement
- "If Windows exists" statement
- "Play To cursor" feature
- many general improvements
Macro Recorder 3.7 - Released 7/9/2007
- "\n" fix in the "Type Text" macro command
- right-left mouse recorder clicks fixed
- Check for previous instance of
Macro Recorder
- AutoStart option for
Macro Recorder Hotkey Launcher
- "Bulk Edit Timeouts" feature
- Improved GUI under Vista
Macro Recorder 3.66 - Released 4/6/2007
- Fixed record/replay macros of the "Shift+arrow" key combination (when selecting text)
Macro Recorder 3.64 - Released 2/6/2007
- Fixed small error when loading a saved macro with "IF CLIPBOARD EQUALS" conditional statement
- Added "Assign Macro to Hotkey" menu item
Macro Recorder 3.63 - Released 1/24/2007
- Vista support
- "REPEAT X TIMES" statement
- Hotkey Launcher minor errors fixed
- "Now Playing" box does not hide the top-positioned taskbar
- Window startup position
- Longer trial period
Macro Recorder 3.61 - Released 12/2/2006
- Added "Delay" command
- Many minor improvements throughout the program
Macro Recorder 3.6 - Released 10/27/2006
- New strongly improved exe-compiler generates smaller optimized executables
- New IF conditional statement - "IF clipboard text equals"
Macro Recorder 3.58 - Released 9/18/2006
- Fixed high CPU load when waiting for a window to appear
- Window operations are now available for dialog and tool windows also
- Macros message-boxes are displayed above all
- Switch-command restores a window if minimized
- more...
Macro Recorder 3.57 - Released 7/11/2006
- Improved text-typing command
- Fixed the error when a mouse-disabled keystroke macro recording is aborted with a button-click
- "Launch a file" command improved
Macro Recorder 3.56 - Released 7/6/2006
- Fixed the small disappointing bug in the EXE-compiler, which stealthily seeped into the previous build.
- Added "command-line parameters" option to the "file open" command
Macro Recorder 3.54 - Released 7/4/2006
- Optimized backend operations
- New "Type text" command and "system time" printing in a customizable format
- Improved EXE-builder
Macro Recorder 3.52 - Released 6/27/2006
- Lowered CPU load during loops and timeouts
- New events are inserted after the selection - easier editing
- File-import issue fixed
Macro Recorder 3.5 - Released 6/4/2006
- IF / ENDIF statements support!
- Interface improvements
- Improved EXE-compiler
- Optimized performance
Macro Recorder 3.48 - Released 5/12/2006
- Aborting a macro during a "wait for user" command resulted in malfunction
- Multiline message-boxes fixed
- Performance issues
Macro Recorder 3.47 - Released 4/28/2006
- Dependency on Microsoft Scripting Runtime eliminated
Macro Recorder 3.46 - Released 4/24/2006
- Added "WAIT FOR USER INPUT" command
- Fixed 100% CPU load during pause
- Improved interface
Macro Recorder 3.45 - Released 4/15/2006
- Introducing SMART-Rec macro recording technology: record and replay your mouse moves in an intelligent way
- "Move Up/Down" feature: rearrange your commands
- EXE-builder is now available to be tested in the trial version
- All settings are unblocked in the trial version
Macro Recorder 3.4 - Released 4/10/2006
- Added global ("system-wide") keyboard-shortcuts for Record, Play/Pause/Resume actions
- Added "File - New" menu item
- Improved
Macro Recorder manual/tutorial
- and more...
Macro Recorder 3.3 - Released 4/1/2006
- Hotkey Macro Launcher tool included in the package: binding macros to hotkeys
- General file I/O improvements
Macro Recorder 3.22 - Released 3/30/2006
- Significantly improved playback performance
- Fixed malfunctioning when a paused macro is being aborted
Macro Recorder 3.2 - Released 3/23/2006
- "Switch to a window" command added
- "Replay/close" buttons are displayed after playback
- The current macro file name is displayed in
Macro Recorder's title bar
- "Stop recording" button click is not recorded any more
Macro Recorder 3.18 - Released 3/18/2006
- Fixed keystroke crash after intensive activity on Win XP SP2
- Main menu keyboard navigation improved
Macro Recorder 3.17 - Released 3/9/2006
- Mouse wheel support in mouse recorder
- New custom commands
Macro Recorder 3.15 - Released 2/24/2006
- Added feature to hide the blue "playing macro..." box.
- Improved GUI (XP-themes) for the Settings dialog
Macro Recorder 3.12 - Released 2/14/2006
- Added "Ignore timeouts" playback option
- Other macro-playback improvements
Macro Recorder 3.1 - Released 1/27/2006
- Fixed overflow crash when recording a macro with very large timeouts
Macro Recorder 3.0 - Released 1/23/2006
- Fully reworked user interface of
Macro Recorder (Office-2003 style)
- Shutdown/reboot/logoff command added
- Fixed a minor bug when a single-command macro is being aborted
Macro Recorder 2.55 - Released 12/29/2005
- Added "GOTO", "LABEL" and more statements
- Checking if a window exists
- "Launch website", "Message box" and more commands
- Tons of minor improvements
Macro Recorder 2.51 - Released 12/15/2005
- "Spy mode" option: the red "recording" label is not shown when recording a macro
Macro Recorder 2.5 - Released 12/9/2005
- All new improved macro-recording/playback engine
Macro Recorder 2.4 - Released 11/24/2005
- Text import feature added
- Resizable window
- Merging recorded macros files
- Optimized EXE-files compiler
- Updated
Macro Recorder manual (scheduling tutorial)
Macro Recorder 2.31 - Released 11/7/2005
- Auto-shutdown feature added: when a macro is opened from windows-shell or command prompt,
Macro Recorder can shut down itself after playback if finished
Macro Recorder 2.3 - Released 11/3/2005
- GUI improvements
- EXE-file export: compiling a recorded macro to a standalone program
- Separate keyboard and mouse recording option
Macro Recorder 2.2 - Released 10/23/2005
- Auto-play option: automatically playing macros opened from command prompt
- Recording GUI bug fixed
- Updated
Macro Recorder manual
Macro Recorder 2.0 - Released 10/4/2005
- Advanced macro editor added
- Context menu added, clipboard support
- Manually adding macro-commands to the list
- Looping playback
- Windows-shell intergation and scheduling
Macro Recorder files
Macro Recorder - the best macro program for Windows. Not just a keyboard and mouse recorder but a powerful automation tool that converts macros to EXE files and more.